Thursday, April 30

what I am grateful for

What I am grateful for
Mark ‡ Ease, flow and abundance ‡ Cathy Manning / Life Coach
Javier ‡ Landmark ‡ Energy, beauty and love
Haven, crying in her back room right away, her friendship, and commaraderie.
Angela, her taking me out the Day after M left and for her friendship the last two years and onwards.
Going door to door and making new friends.
Running with neighbor and getting a cramp, stopping to say hello to Amy and Edwin, meeting new people, like Diane Watson, and Nancy, going to church, circle dinners and meeting Dayna and Marianne Cushing, learning about the kirtans
Matt ‡ many things. Grateful for the love he did give me, pure and free, fully self-expressed and passionate. (While it lasted)
The ferry. A gift everyday.
My children, who are my inspiration and my gift to myself and of myself. They are the best, most generous, flexible and helpful of all the world.
Jenn ‡ for her help the summer in helping me move
Erin and her family. Lovely souls, real friends
Beauty all around me. The water, the city, the beautiful projects at work, my girls’ art
Working 4 days a week. Wow. I do have it all
Being a leader, making a difference
My mom sticking through with it, all of it, all the time, alone
My laptop
My smooth sheets
Jan, our minister, the parish
Ida ‡ for coming back.


Single Mama NYC said...

I just did the Landmark Forum for the first time this last weekend. I am SO super grateful for it too!

Unknown said...

You'll be always my HERO Laura.